Après douze ans de coma, Holden Matthews se réveille et se découvre doté d'étranges pouvoirs qui ne tardent pas à le plonger en plein cœur d'un complot. Holden doit tenter de comprendre ce qui lui est arrivé au cours des 12 dernières années, durant lesquelles son esprit semble avoir vécu une vie parallèle, ...
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Terminée | Américaine | 45 minutes |
Drame, Fantastique, Action, Adventure, Science-Fiction, Suspense | Freeform | 2017 |
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1.01 -
Holden Matthews miraculously wakes up from a devastating coma to the wonderment of his parents Tom and Diane and younger brother Luke. But the world has changed since Holden went to sleep, and he now has to navigate being an adult when all he remembers is being a child. At the same time, Holden is experiencing abilities and memories he can't explain, and a mysterious woman named Willa warns him not to trust those around him. When a sinister stranger attacks Holden and claims he knows about his new powers, Holden is faced with uncovering just what happened to him while he was in a coma.
Diffusion originale : 02 janvier 2017
Diffusion française :
02 janvier 2017
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